The Unearned Success or Unrecognized Talent Predicament

If you've been keenly watching your children's games over the years, or even past few weeks, you've seen it.
There's always that one player that just seems to find the back of net consistently without even trying.
And I'm not even talking about the kids that are so skilled that they don't have to try...I'm literally talking about the kids that just stand there...but somehow put up points.
I have one of those kids.
I also have one of those kids that's completely pointless so far this season -- 16+ games in, now.
Not a single point...yet plays a ton of minutes, powerplay, and penalty kill.
(technically, he does have a lone assist...but it didn't make the official score sheet.)
It's frustrating on both ends...but I'm fortunate to be able to witness it from both perspectives.
I'm fully aware there are kids on my scoring ace's team -- like, the entire roster -- that are working their tail off and have nothing to show for it while my little guy is tapping in goals and showcasing his array of exuberant goal celebrations.
He did it again this tournament weekend -- games we're getting absolutely crushed in by superior teams and he pots the lone goal.
I know. Even I'm embarrassed by it.
It's gotta be frustrating for his teammates...and some of their parents!
Why is it always little Emmet doing the bow and arrow celly or the Theo Fluery celly or whatever that Kuznetsov flapping bird one is called?
Laziest player on the ice. Like, it's not even close.
I know a lazy player when I see one...I drive one to the rink 5 days per week!
Literally, kids are capable of shooting top corner and the goalie is stopping it while mine floats around for his entire shift and then slides a slow roller in from the blue line and it sneaks in. Consistently.
Maybe he's got that Phil Kessel luck...but I don't think so.
There isn't really a solid explanation for it...but it feels really unfair to the kids that are truly skilled and not scoring.

And that's where my other kid comes in.
I know it bothers him that, points wise, he's inivisible for his team...and that's been true for most of the seasons he's played.
Of late, per his coach's urging, he has been taking it to the net, getting high quality shots off that the goalie somehow just finds a way to stop...every single time.
It's the complete opposite of my other kid.
Sure, he plays defense so the points shouldn't be flowing in like a forward but he's a puck carrying and puck moving defenseman that, per the score sheet, generates zero offense.
Like, how is that even possible?
But here's the saving grace.
My youngest's luck will wear out. It will.
The coaches know, as well as I do, that his point total is not indicative of his skill level.
And for my oldest, same deal.
His coaches recognize that his skill level isn't accurately portrayed at all by his meager point total.
And that's what matters and what opens doors.
It's not stats -- it's coach references.
Don't let kids like my youngest get you (or your kid) down. What they're doing isn't sustainable forever.
And for the kids that are like my oldest, trust me, good coaches recognize talent over point totals.
Keep playing well, working hard, dominate your position, and seek great coaches.
It's a fact that, often, the points don't matter.

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Agree? Disagree? Let me know -- I love the feedback from all angles!