Review: Central CT Capitals Learn to Play
My middle son, Henrik signed up for this program in the Fall of 2014 as a 3-year old to skate with another 3-year old friend (named Crosby -- how cool is that?) that also had an interest in playing hockey.
Very similar in structure to the program my older son Duncan got his first real start in with a wide variety of ages and abilities at the onset and plenty of coaches on the ice to occupy them all.
For the first session, Henrik held his own with the the much older children.
Unfortunately, that was the last session he'd participate in.
The video below was taken towards the end of that first session and shows the kids playing sharks and minnows with the coaching staff.
While the shark in this case, Mike Deegan, who happens to be the director of the program, certainly did his job in getting my little guy to skate faster, he also scared him to the point that he'd equated hockey practice with terror for nearly six months.
Unfortunate, to say the least.
Still, though, if we weren't already rooted into the ACFYHA with my oldest son, I'd have no problem getting them active in the Central Connecticut Capitals program.
The coaching staff was top-notch.
My little guy just wasn't ready to be chased.